Coping Mechanisms - Best Practices

Get some rest
Time and time again, it’s been proven that getting the proper rest is central to coping with anxiety and staying in your best mental and physical health. The National Sleep Foundation suggests that adults should get anywhere between seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Prioritize rest and watch your mental health stabilize.

Have a daily routine
Consistency breeds clarity. Having a daily routine is paramount to keeping your mental health sharp during this trying time. Coping with anxiety can be counteracted by purpose and structure. Create a schedule and stick to it. No matter how scaled, place importance on your daily life and your role in its success.

Value your physical health
With many of your favorite fitness providers offering free and discounted digital services, one of the biggest coping tools is prioritizing your physical health. Whether you practice yoga, you're a runner or a weightlifter, push your fitness to the forefront and your mind will thank you.

Go outside (safely)
With social distancing in mind, be sure to go outside and get some fresh air. Take a walk, go for a jog, or maybe sit on your porch or in your backyard while working remotely. Staying inside your home 24/7 isn’t healthy. Even if you just step outside your front door a few times a day, everything helps.

Keep in touch
Prioritize time with your family, friends, and coworkers. Facetime them, hop on a Zoom call, or just call them the old-fashioned way. No matter the form of communication, make sure you are taking the time to talk, laugh, and be open with the meaningful people in your life. Now isn’t the time to limit interaction; now is the time to enhance it.